Monday, May 24, 2010

Top ten reasons teachers don't like technology

10. Anytime central office rolls out some new software, the staff is not properly trained to use it

9. Teachers have a hard time keeping up with the latest and greatest.

8. Teachers aren't properly taught the benefits of using technology both in the classroom and out

7. Administration does not understand how the students are learning and therefore teachers are not rewarded or valued for using technology.

6. This stupid NCWise is a pain!

5. There are too many logins to remember

4. NCWise has turned into NCStupid

3. That Blackboard always deletes my account

2. The one or two people who know about technology are teaching a full load and really don't have time to teach me how to use technology properly.

1. The kids know more about this than I do

Preparing for our new server this summer

Getting ready for the Server reimage

Everyone should do the following:

1.      Back up your data from your network login, the H: drive, to a 2 gigabyte or greater flash drive or a DVD.  If you have a question about how to do this, see me.  For example, my login is under H:\edeadmon.
2.      Locate all the software you want reinstalled on your PC (e.g. personal printers etc) and put it in an interoffice envelope with your name, room number and titles.   Give this to me by June 9 so I can have it ready for the installers.
3.      Any desktop computers you have in your room need to have a paper attached to the screen indicating any printer you want reinstalled or any software you want reinstalled (e.g. Lanschool with the channel number).  Printer names can be found by opening MS Word, going to File\print and in the pull down window at the top where it says Printer Name, make note of any printers you see in this pull down.  You only have to do this on one computer to find the names.
4.      If you have a laptop, make sure you backup your data and return it to me by June 10th.
5.      All laptops and their power cords, including administrators’ laptops, need to be turned in to me so I can tag them and inventory them.

Thanks for your help.  If we can do all this, I think the fall will start with less problems.  Ed

100 Ways to use social media in the classroom

Can you think of some ways to use social media to teach?

Click on this link to give you some fresh idea's

Monday, May 10, 2010

Where does Social Networking go from here?

This is a must read if you are a skeptic of Facebook!
A Social Networking call to Arms

The tricks that Facebook is pulling right now are an example of where social networking should not go. Expect Google to turn the tables on Facebook in the near future and tie it's Google Buzz in with its Google Applications for Business and Education. Google's security is much improved in the last year and properly run the company should maintain its model of "do no harm" and move its worth even higher. As for Facebook, this could be the beginning of the end for them. If they don't address the issues of their 3rd party applications and stop messing with the privacy settings it will be lights out for them.

Stay tuned for more updates about Facebook's risks.

Friday, May 07, 2010

How to subscribe to this blog

The first thing you need to do is create a GMail account for yourself. It's pretty easy but may take a few minutes. Go to gmail and follow the directions. An easy username to remember is to use your WCPSS email ID and add wcpss behind it. For example I created one This is pretty easy to remember and then just use the same password. My WCPSS username is cdanehower.

Secondly, need to click on the link "Subscribe to this blog" at the top of this blog and choose Google Reader. Now sign in like you would to your GMail account and you are set.

Questions? Email me at

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Did you know (updated version sort of)...this is some scary stuff :)

Deadmon's Tech Tip of the Week-LAN Schools Software

Do you have more than one computer for student use in your classroom? Have you ever had a problem controlling what students did on-line when you weren't standing right behind them watching? Lanschool is the solution for you. Athens Drive has a site license for Lanschool, a tool for monitoring and controlling computers. You can limit websites students can visit, monitor their work from your desk and keep an eye on the where they go on the web. You can also take over their machines to display information and assist with your instruction.

If you think this would work for your classroom, please send me some email and I will have it installed on your computers. I already have a file of game sites I block which you can use to start.

Freelancer survival skills

Friday, April 30, 2010

How do I subscribe to the feed of this blog?

The first think you need to do is create a GMail account for yourself. It's pretty easy but may take a few minutes. An easy username to remember is to use your WCPSS email ID and add wcpss behind it. For example I created one This is pretty easy to remember and then just use the same password. My WCPSS username is cdanehower.

Secondly, need to click on the link "Subscribe to this blog" at the top of this blog and choose Google Reader. Now sign in like you would to your GMail account and you are set.

Questions? Email me at

Rumor has it that....

The "word" on the street is that WCPSS, is considering using Google at least for some of its essential business needs such as archiving. This could lead to some wholesale changes in the way the school system does business. Stay tuned.........

Some estimates are that this could save up to $750,000 per year while offering more services. This would involve moving staff around to utilize them in other IT area's such as school support. That obviously would be good for the schools.
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Teachnology Blog